Alfried LÄNGLE, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. h.c.mult., professor for psychotherapy, born in 1951 in Austria, studied medicine and psychology and works in private practice in Vienna as psychotherapist. Close collaboration with Viktor Frankl from 1983 to 1991. Founder of the International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (Vienna) and its psychotherapeutic training program. Constant lecturer at Austrian Universities and since 2000 of Moscow, Mendoza, Santiago de Chile. Since 2004 faculty member and professor of applied psychology (psychotherapy) at Moscow’s HSE-university and guest professor at Vienna’s Sigmund Freud university (since 2011). Vice President of the International Federation of Psychotherapy (IFP - 2002-2010) and President of the International Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, Vienna from its beginning till 2017. Over 450 publications, 2 honorary doctorships, 6 honorary professorships, 2 gold medals (orders) of the Austrian state for honoring the scientific work.
- Internationale Gesellschaft für Logotherapie und Existenzanalyse (GLE), Wien
- Österreichischer Berufsverband für Psychotherapie (ÖBVP)
- International Federation of Psychotherapy (IFP) (Board of Advisors)
- International Society for Existential Analytical Psychotherapy (ISEAP)
Lehrkörper der psycholog. Fakultät der Univ. HSE, Moskau – Professur für Psychotherapie (seit 2005)Lehrkörper der psycholog. Fakultät der Univ. Klagenfurt – Habilitation in Psychotherapie (2008)Lehrkörper der Medizinischen Fakultät der Univ. Temesvar, Rumänien – Ehrendoktorat (2000)Lehrkörper der Med. Fakultät der staatl. Univ. Tucuman (Argentinien) – Visitante Ilustre (2000)Lehrkörper der Psychol. Fakultät der Univ. de las Americas, Santiago de Chile – Ehrendoktorat (2004)
1. Honorary professor of the psycholog. Faculty of the Univ. Católica de Salta (Argentina) (2006)2. Honorary professor of the psycholog. Fakulty of the Lomonossov Univ. MGU, Moscow (2008)3. Honorary professor of the psycholog. Faculty of the Univ. Aconcagua in Mendoza, Argentina (2010)4. Honorary professor of the State Medical University of Kursk, Russia (2012)5. Honorary professor of the Pedagogical-Psychological University Moscow (MPGU) (2012)6. Honorary professor of the Univ. de Congreso in Mendoza (Argentinien) (2012)
Guestprofessor at Sigmund-Freud-Univ. SFU in Vienna (since 2011)
Honorary Memberships:
- Centro de Psicologia Existencial y Logoterapia (Buenos Aires) (1995)
- Rumanian Society for Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (SAEL) (1995)
- Society for Existenzanal Analytical Psychotherapy, Section Switzerland (IGEAP-CH) (1998)
- Spolecnost pro Logoterapii a Existencialni Analýzu (Prague) (SLEA) (2001)
- Sociedad Chilena de Psicologia Clinica (2004)
- GLE-Chile – sociedad chilena analisis existencial y logoterapia (2007)
- Society for Logotherapy and Existentail Analysis Austria (2011)
- AMPAEL – Asociación Mexicana de Psicoterapia en Análisis Existencial y Logoterapia (2014)
2006: Science Award of Vorarlberg (Wissenschaftspreis des Landes Vorarlberg)2011: Golden Medal for Merits for the Republic of Austria2022: Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art