Here you find a selection of the last books of Alfried Längle. Links to electronic editions are - if avaliable - given at the end of the descriptions.
Teaching book for Existential Analysis - Fundaments (German)
Lehrbuch zur Existenzanalyse - Grundlagen (Wien: Facultas 2013)Dieses Buch beschreibt die Grundlagen der EA (und Logotherapie): den existentiellen Weg zu erfüllendem Leben, das Struktur- und Prozeßmodell, mit dem die EA heute arbeitet, weiters das Verhältnis von EA zu Logotherapie, die Indikation, den historischen und philosophischen Hintergrund, die Anthropologie und gibt eine Einführung in die Motivationslehre sowie in das professionelle Helfen. – Das Buch richtet sich an alle Interessenten des Coachings, der Beratung, der Psychotherapie und der Psychologie , insbesondere der existentiellen Richtungen, und ist Basislektüre für die Ausbildung. Euro 20,- -
Aggression - drive, necessity or bad character? - Existential relevance and treatment
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This multi-author anthology is a short introduction into the world of
existential psychotherapy – specifically Existential Analysis - into the world of thinking and practicing with this method. It gives concrete answers and demonstrates a way to apply this thinking in practice. It is a demonstration of
the work with some outlines of its theoretical background, including Alfried Längle’s four fundamental motivations.
The main themes are working with emotionality and subjective experience and its importance for a fulfilling life,
meaning and happiness, spirituality and temporality. It covers psychological disorders and their treatment in adults, children, and dealing with disability and handicap.
It is more important in life
to begin something
than to complete it.
About the Editors
Silvia LÄNGLE, Dr. phil., is a psychotherapist in private practice in
Vienna, training therapist of the Austrian Society for Logotherapy and
Existential Analysis, and Board Member of the International Society for
Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. She has been Editor-in-chief of the
journal “EXISTENZANALYSE” since 1995. She studied theory of science
and theoretical physics in Innsbruck, Munich and Vienna. Encountering
V. E. Frankl aroused her interest in Existential Psychotherapy as a
phenomenological practice, prompting her to reflect on its relationship
to the theory of science, then undergo her own training as a therapist.
Christopher WURM studied Medicine and German at the
University of Adelaide, then trained as a Family Physician and studied
Existential Psychotherapy in Vienna. In 2003 he was made a Foundation
Fellow of the Australasian Chapter of Addiction Medicine. He has
worked in Australia, England and Austria in clinical and teaching roles
in Primary Care, Teaching Hospitals and Community Mental Health. He
became Visiting Fellow, Discipline of Psychiatry, University of Adelaide in
2007. Currently he is Senior Consultant, Drug and Alcohol Consultation
Liaison Service, Royal Adelaide Hospital, and Sefton Park Primary and
Ambulatory Care, as well as GP Psychotherapist and Addiction Physician
in private practice at Pooraka, South Australia.Price: £ 24.99/$ 40.95
Pbk October 2015
ISBN: 9781782203605MAIL ORDER KARNAC - U.K. / E.U./ R.O.W.
By post: Karnac Books
118 Finchley Road, LONDON NW3 5HT
Phone: +44 (0) 20 7431 1075
Fax: +44 (0) 20 7435 9076
E-mail: -
European Psychotherapy – special edition on Existential Analysis
Vol 4, Nr. 1, 2003A selection of English papers giving a survey on modern Existential Analysis encompassing themes like - Introduction into EA (LT)
- Existential fundamental motivations and the structural model of EA
- The process model of EA (PEA)
- Levels of application of existential-analytical methods
- Understanding and treatment of narcissistic disorders
- What is a “para-existential” personality-disorder?
- Existential analytical aspects of mental health
- Burnout
- Suicide
- The Existential Scale
- Addiction
Authors: Ch. Furnica, G. v. Kirchbach, M. Kundi, A. Längle, S. Längle, A. Nindl, Ch. Orgler, L. Tutsch, Ch. Wurm, E. Wurst
EUR 20,00